Insurance company bound by arbitration agreement between insured and third party (São Paulo State Court of Appeals) | Practical Law

Insurance company bound by arbitration agreement between insured and third party (São Paulo State Court of Appeals) | Practical Law

In Panalpina World Transport (PRC) Ltd v Bradesco Auto/Re Companhia de Seguros, Civil Appeal No. 0149349-88.2011.8.26.0100, the Court of Appeals of São Paulo (TJSP) considered whether an insurance company was bound by an arbitration agreement in a transportation agreement between the insured and the third party carrier.

Insurance company bound by arbitration agreement between insured and third party (São Paulo State Court of Appeals)

by Eduardo Damião Gonçalves (Partner), Flávio Spaccaquerche Barbosa (Associate), Mariana Pedrosa Jungstedt (Associate), Mattos Filho Advogados
Published on 14 Apr 2015Brazil
In Panalpina World Transport (PRC) Ltd v Bradesco Auto/Re Companhia de Seguros, Civil Appeal No. 0149349-88.2011.8.26.0100, the Court of Appeals of São Paulo (TJSP) considered whether an insurance company was bound by an arbitration agreement in a transportation agreement between the insured and the third party carrier.