Department of Labor (DOL) | Practical Law

Department of Labor (DOL) | Practical Law

Department of Labor (DOL)

Department of Labor (DOL)

Practical Law Glossary Item 2-501-6354 (Approx. 4 pages)


Department of Labor (DOL)

Federal agency responsible for administration and enforcement in several key areas of employment law, including occupational safety, wage and hour standards, unemployment insurance benefits, reemployment services, and some economic statistics.
Some of the employment laws administered and enforced by the DOL include:
Agencies, offices, and programs of the DOL include:
The Wage and Hour Division (WHD).
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
The Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP).
For more information about the DOL, see the DOL's website.
Most states have an equivalent department. For links to state departments of labor, see DOL: DOL Services by Location.