Letter extending term of contract subject to the public procurement regime | Practical Law

Letter extending term of contract subject to the public procurement regime | Practical Law

A letter to be issued by a contracting authority to notify a contractor that an option to extend the term of a contract subject to the public procurement regime is being exercised or to record an agreement that the term of the contract will be extended.

Letter extending term of contract subject to the public procurement regime

Practical Law UK Standard Document 3-516-9129 (Approx. 6 pages)

Letter extending term of contract subject to the public procurement regime

Maintained, England, Wales
A letter to be issued by a contracting authority to notify a contractor that an option to extend the term of a contract subject to the public procurement regime is being exercised or to record an agreement that the term of the contract will be extended.
Note: The Cabinet Office has issued procurement guidance in response to the outbreak of the 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The guidance is addressed in Legal update, Cabinet Office publishes PPN 01/20: Responding to COVID-19, Legal update, Cabinet Office publishes PPN 02/20: Supplier relief due to COVID-19, Legal update, COVID-19: PPN 03/20 published on use of procurement cards (Cabinet Office) and Legal update, Cabinet Office publishes PPN 04/20: Recovery and transition from COVID-19. The EC has also published guidance on using the public procurement framework related to the COVID-19 crisis, which is addressed in Legal update, COVID-19: EC publishes guidance on purchasing COVID-19-related supplies and services using EU public procurement framework . See also Legal update, COVID-19: guidance on supporting vital service provision in PFI/PF2 contracts published (Infrastructure and Projects Authority) The contents of this note are potentially affected by this guidance and should be read in conjunction with it.