Rent: review, protection and enforcement toolkit | Practical Law

Rent: review, protection and enforcement toolkit | Practical Law

A toolkit to guide users around Practical Law Property materials on rent and different ways of structuring rent reviews, such as market rent reviews (including upwards only reviews), index-linked rents (such as rent linked to the Retail Prices Index (RPI)) and turnover rent leases. The toolkit also includes information on rent deposits, methods for enforcing payment and ways of recovering rent arrears.

Rent: review, protection and enforcement toolkit

Practical Law UK Toolkit 4-509-0970 (Approx. 9 pages)

Rent: review, protection and enforcement toolkit

MaintainedEngland, Wales
A toolkit to guide users around Practical Law Property materials on rent and different ways of structuring rent reviews, such as market rent reviews (including upwards only reviews), index-linked rents (such as rent linked to the Retail Prices Index (RPI)) and turnover rent leases. The toolkit also includes information on rent deposits, methods for enforcing payment and ways of recovering rent arrears.
Note updated 26 March 2022: This resource should be read in light of the temporary pandemic-related measures that protected tenants and restricted landlords' enforcement options in the period from March 2020 to the end of March 2022, as set out in our Practice note, COVID-19: Coronavirus Act 2020 and the implications for recovering possession, and those that may affect commercial landlords and tenants on and after 26 March 2022, as set out in our Practice note, COVID-19: Commercial Rent (Coronavirus) Act 2022: rent arbitration and the implications for enforcement.