Patent Act | Practical Law

Patent Act | Practical Law

Patent Act

Patent Act

Practical Law Glossary Item 6-504-3807 (Approx. 3 pages)


Patent Act

The federal statute governing US patent law (Patent Act of 1952, 66 Stat. 792-817, as codified and amended in Sections 1 to 390 of Title 35 of the US Code). Among other things, the Act:
  • Created the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in its current form, and established its functions, powers, and duties, including its responsibility for granting and issuing patents.
  • Sets out the central requirements and conditions for patentability, and patent application and issuance procedures and practices.
  • Provides a federal cause of action for patent infringement.
For more information on US patent protection, see Practice Notes, Patent: Overview and Design Patents: Overview.