Standard listing | Practical Law

Standard listing | Practical Law

Standard listing

Standard listing

Practical Law UK Glossary 8-501-4234 (Approx. 5 pages)


Standard listing

For the purposes of the Listing Rules (LR), a listing that is not a premium listing. The categories of standard listing are:
Standard listing was introduced 6 April 2010. Its requirements were originally based on minimum EU directive standards (however, for standard listing (shares) LR 14.3.25R extends the application of DTR 7.3 beyond the minimum requirements originally required by the Shareholder Rights Directive II (EU) 2017/828 amending the Shareholder Rights Directive (2007/36/EC) (SRD II)).
When considering this term in the context of financial services, reference should be made to the FCA Handbook glossary definition of standard listing.