ICSID publishes statistics | Practical Law

ICSID publishes statistics | Practical Law

An update on ICSID's new publication, ICSID Caseload - Statistics.

ICSID publishes statistics

Practical Law Legal Update 9-501-4342 (Approx. 3 pages)

ICSID publishes statistics

by PLC Arbitration
Published on 10 Feb 2010International, USA
An update on ICSID's new publication, ICSID Caseload - Statistics.
The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) Secretariat has published on its website the ICSID Caseload - Statistics, which provides an overview of all the cases registered or otherwise administered by ICSID as of 31 December 2009, and of the cases registered or administered in 2009 only. The new publication also provides information on:
  • The basis of consent to ICSID jurisdiction invoked in registered arbitration and conciliation cases.
  • The geographic distribution of ICSID cases by the state party to the dispute.
  • The economic sectors involved in ICSID disputes.
  • The outcomes in ICSID cases.
  • The nationality and geographic origins of arbitrators, conciliators and ad hoc committee members appointed in ICSID cases.
The publication will be updated on a biannual basis.
The LCIA, ICC, SCC and SIAC have also published statistics for 2009, all reporting significant increases in the number of new cases received last year. The SIAC reported the largest rise with 114 new cases, compared to 71 in 2008; an impressive increase of 61%. The LCIA, ICC and SCC have also announced considerable increases of 29% (285 new cases), 23% (817 new cases) and 22% (215 new cases), respectively. The new figures have been added to PLC Arbitration's Institutional statistics table.
We will update the table with the figures for the AAA/ICDR, CIETAC and HKIAC as soon as they are available.